Saturday, December 31, 2005

Lineage II server

Server running latest nightly builds of L2J and L2J-datapack.
Rates: XP/SP - 2x, Drop/Spoil/Adena - 4x.
To connect to this server, you need the Lineage C4 client from FilePlanet or search for it on DC++ for a faster download.

Step 1. Download, install and run it once to update the game. This will take a while. Go to the next step while updating.

Step 2. Then you need to edit your hosts file with Notepad and put in the following entry:

The hosts file is located in C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc on XP.

Step 3. After updating you should not use the standard Lineage2 shortcut. Instead, make a new one that will launch l2.exe from your Lineage2\system folder.

Step 4. Start the game usig the l2.exe shortcut. When you see the login screen, if you don't have an account already, just choose a name an password and it will be automagically created.

Have Fun !


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